Tourism Tara OasuluiTourism Tara Oasului
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About Tara Oasului

Tara-OasuluiOne of the most well-known and attractive touristic zone is Tara Oasului region because of the mountainous relief and the mineral waters, called borcut by the local inhabitants. You can find these rivers in small villages like Bixad, Baile Puturoasa, Baile Valea Mariei.

Still, Oas Country charm is given by the old costumes, the unique songs and dances, the traditional rituals, the religious architecture and traditional handicraft occupations.

Situated at 50 km far from Satu Mare, Negresti Oas is one of the most beautiful region from Transylvania. The landscapes, the culture and the traditions impress you.

If you pass through this town you must visit Tara Oasului Museum. Here are presented, for all its visitors, aspects/examples from the so simple life of the peasants, their household items, the ceramics, carvings in wood, the traditional house museum, folk art collections and Ionita Andron’ photos exhibition.

The environment that surrounds Negresti Oas town is one of the most beautiful in this part of the country. At only 8 km distance from Negresti and 60 km from Satu Mare, you can find Luna Ses, a touristic zone at 500 m height. The location is situated at the base of the Pietroasa (1201 m) and Muntele Mic (1013m) peaks northern slopes. Here the tourists can admire a wonderful landscape.

Also, from Negresti you can leave to a large number of villages, famous for their costumes, traditions and customs: Certeze (5 km), Tur (1 km), Bixad (5 km), Trip (6 km), Tarsolt, Camarzana (20 km), Huta-Certeze (9 km), Racsa (16 km). You can also discover regions well known for the thermal and mineral waters (Poptileni, Certeze, Bixad).

Fishing, hunting and trips – all of them possible, too.

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Proiect selectat în cadrul Programului Operaţional Regional şi cofinanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regională.
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